Sunday, April 12, 2009

Okay....let's play the Italian version of "The Price is Right" you guys have been asking me quesitons such as..."How do prices of things in Italy compare with the U.S.?"....well.....let's play a are all familiar with the 'Price Is Right'...well Bob (not Barker) has a game for you?
Pretend you are playing the game where you have to guess the price of ordinary grocery store items....and however much you are off from the actual price...the little mountain climber moves up the mountain...remember that game?
Product #1 (That's the red-labeled can) quart of Weedeater oil know that you mix )
Product #2 (That's the silver labeled can) quart of 10W-40 standard oil for your car...
Price Tags to choose from:
1.) 15.00 Euros...that is $19.50 U.S. Dollars
2.) 12.00 Euros ...that is $15.60 U.S. Dollars
Well.....not sure what your guess was....but
The quart of Weedeater Oil was was $19.50
The quart of 10W-40 Oil was $15.60....
Not sure if you won the game...but I have a feeling that after Piddle paid his 27.00 Euros...he was thinking he was definitely not the winner of that game!
Thanks for playing "The Price is Right"........

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