Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Italian Easter with friends

Wanted to share our Easter Sunday with everyone......
Our friends were kind enough to include us in their family Easter Dinner.
Grace had some friends from Austria we had some very interesting conversation around the dinner table...
The weather was was probably in the 70' can see the magnificent view of the Umbrian countryside in the first picture.....
It was a very unique dinner with many nationalities represented around the dinner table....let me the first picture at the top....going clockwise from bottom left....we have Leyla's brother and his girlfriend...of course Leyla's brother is Italian and his girlfriend is Croatian. Then you recognize Grace from earlier pictures....and next to her is her dear friend Elena from Austria. Then that is me....Piddle is taking the picture of course....then you see Paolo and Leyla....our Roman of course....then next to Leyla is Elena's son and daughter-in-law. She is of Mexican decent...however, I am not sure how much time she has spent there. I think her family comes from there and maybe she was raised somewhere else.....He is working in Rome for the year. This is why they were in Italy during this period.
Many languages were flying around the table all day...Italian, German, English of course....everything...and many times...a few different languages in one sentence...people would forget who they were talking to and so would forget in which language they should be was great fun and so thankful to have such good friends to include us in their holiday.
Picture #2
This is Leyla cutting the traditional Italian Easter Cake. I think it is shaped in the form of a dove. Not sure what the flavor...some almonds were present and some fruit...then Leyla melted chocolate and poured over the top....this we had with limoncello. We had a full-course meal..and seemed like we were eating all day long....Leyla is a terrific cook and cooked wonderful pasta dish with fresh wild asparagus. We hunted for wild asparagus today. Sort of like hunting for mushrooms. You get all excited when you spot one. She also made roasted lamb, which is an Easter tradition with a side of roasted artichoke hearts. I made mom's Oriental Chicken Salad. Which is our family's tradition. Well, mom and my tradition anyway.....So I felt like I had a piece of home here today...........The food was fabulous....and the wine poured freely....We love Italy!
Picture #3
This is the Italian Easter Egg. They don't hunt easter eggs, or color them...or have all the Easter stuff that we do at home....but they have aisles and aisles of these huge eggs in the stores......they come in dark chocolate and milk chocolate. Yes, Piddle and I received one from the Easter Bunny. So the tradition is to just whack it open...and there is always a prize inside......our prize was a keychain. Great Fun! This was a picture of Leyla's brother Gian cracking his open.
Great day!
Stay tuned for pictures tomorrow.....The Italians know how to do it right...they not only have Easter but they also take off on is the Italian tradition to have a picnic outside the Monday after Easter....I think to celebrate the beginning of Spring....
So Leyla has invited us up tomorrow for a picnic.....Can't wait!

Okay....let's play the Italian version of "The Price is Right" you guys have been asking me quesitons such as..."How do prices of things in Italy compare with the U.S.?"....well.....let's play a are all familiar with the 'Price Is Right'...well Bob (not Barker) has a game for you?
Pretend you are playing the game where you have to guess the price of ordinary grocery store items....and however much you are off from the actual price...the little mountain climber moves up the mountain...remember that game?
Product #1 (That's the red-labeled can) quart of Weedeater oil know that you mix )
Product #2 (That's the silver labeled can) quart of 10W-40 standard oil for your car...
Price Tags to choose from:
1.) 15.00 Euros...that is $19.50 U.S. Dollars
2.) 12.00 Euros ...that is $15.60 U.S. Dollars
Well.....not sure what your guess was....but
The quart of Weedeater Oil was was $19.50
The quart of 10W-40 Oil was $15.60....
Not sure if you won the game...but I have a feeling that after Piddle paid his 27.00 Euros...he was thinking he was definitely not the winner of that game!
Thanks for playing "The Price is Right"........

Monday, April 6, 2009

Did You Feel That? at 3:35 this morning.....I woke up to our bed rocking back and forth....sideways......Well you know what was going through my head......(isn't it a little early?)....but I looked over and Bob woke up at the same time.....our bed was seriously rocking back and forth....SIDEWAYS.....pitch black...we couldn't figure out what was going on...being dead went on for about 30 seconds or so.......long enough for us to freak out....but not too long obviously for us to get our asses out of bed and out of this completely cement and rock house......
We concurred....that we had just been through our first earthquake....well at the time we thought just tremors really........I asked Bob what time it was.....3:35a.m.........I wanted to record it......

Well, we just got online this morning to check our email and such....and check out the link we found on Yahoo's homepage below.....this is what really happened.....

We were so lucky....I think next time we might high tail it out of the house......(ya think?)

The earthquake hit about 30 miles or so from us......we'll be ready and waiting for the aftershocks! And will actually know what it is.... :)

Okay...we may not be in danger of tornadoes this Spring....but there's always something isn't there? Back in the 90's a pretty big earthquake destroyed several buildings in Perugia...which is just 23 miles from us.....where we do all of our shopping......didn't know we were moving to 'California'.....maybe should have checked those statistics before we left the States huh?


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Upper Level of Cabin for Rent

Hello everyone.....
Just wanted to put the word out there...that our tenant in our main cabin area is moving out this month...probably in the next week or the upper level of the cabin will be available probably mid April and will be available through the end of the year...possibly more if desired. You can see photos on our main webpage......this is the upper level only. We have weekend tenants in the lower level.

The rent is $600/month plus electric and gas. The other utilities (Directv, wireless internet, water, trash, and lawn service) are included in rent. The deposit is $500. The cabin is fully furnished with everything you need to move right in....we only removed our personal items....

The tenant will have access to our boat dock in the cove as well.

If you know if anyone interested...please send them our way....they can email us at
or call us at:

Just wanted to put the word out there...hopefully will get it rented by end of April......