Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our Neighborhood in Amsterdam

Okay......so this was where we stayed the first week in Amsterdam and by far our favorite part of the city...we didn't want to leave....
De Waag was just steps away from us...we stayed in an apartment on the corner of this square...
Every morning we would walk out our door, walk to the corner and take a picture of another beautiful day...didn't matter if it was raining or sunshiny...every day was beautiful....
We stayed in the Nieuwmarkt area....It is one of Amsterdam's most beloved squares....We loved it...De Waag is the building you see in the background of many of our pictures....it is Amsterdam's largest surviving medieval building. Dating back to the 15th century, the Waag originally was one of the fortified gates to the city. As Amsterdam expanded, it was converted and has served many purposes....once a house for public weights and measures. At the end of the 17th century, the Surgeon's Guild built an amphitheater at the top of the tower to house public dissections as well as private anatomy lessons.....it was famously depicted by Rembrandt's painting "The Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp"....today it has a restaurant at the bottom and is just a monument I believe....
This is by far the area to stay in if you ever get the opportunity to visit......

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