Saturday, July 14, 2012

Been Kinda Rainy......

Been rainy the last couple of days...but the skies seem to cheer up by mid afternoon and it usually turns into a beautiful day....and today was no different...been pretty chilly and raining most of day....but we decide to brave it soon as we stepped out, it quit raining and the wind quit blowing...ahhhhhh....then we found the farmers market....well rediscovered it......on DeWaag Square....its the same place we found the cool lambswool rug thats in front of our fireplace....the lady was still there........nice huh?
Farmers Market

Bob buying harring on the bridge on our way....and then buying our bread at the market
(He had to break out his pants today, for the first time! He wasn't pleased!)

Everything we need.....and then some...

Sorry I haven't posted anything too exciting...we haven't done too much...just toodle around the city....relaxing..will explore further out this next week....see what else we can find....I promise!

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