It's not too hard to find a place in this beautiful city in which to get lost.....Doesn't this cathedral look like the one at Disney? Or actually the other way around....
We were lost in here for HOURS!!! lol.....Our favorite Pub! snuggled back into the end of a courtyard that we just stumbled upon...met some great people....Czech is famous for its beer.....you can even drink out on the streets....imagine that...at its like $1.50 a pint...cheaper than water they claim....we met two brothers from Italy...they were hiding from their parent in a bar....and these are our Swedish friends we just met. Bob is saying goodbye to them...they were some cool kids as well....going back tonight for a cocktail before dinner...

Headed to London in the morning...must say goodbye to another oh-so-beautiful city....defnitely rates up there with my favorite cities of all times...I would definitely recommend a two or three day stop over here on your European trip...you won't be sorry.....Did you see Lynn's blog? She met Rick Steves (the travel guy on TV) at the Amsterdam Cetral Station...on their way to Paris on Tuesday....we were at the central station that morning as well...but we weren't so lucky...but we are going to be on the lookout for famous people in London...with the Olympics going on...bet there are lots there...
Sorry for the book....love ya'll
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