Well....in our case....Trains...Planes....and Boats......

Leaving England...taking a train to Harwich...which is a port side village on the North Sea...still in England....quaint little town.....that's where we are catching the ferry in the morning.....Then taking the slow boat across the English Channel (I think it's still the English Channel) to the Hook of Holland....(it is an all day journey on the boat...like 7 hours....for sure the slow boat...then we'll take a train into Amsterdam..where we'll spend the night...then we'll fly to Istanbul,Turkey on Sunday....be there for one week....wish us luck on our finds.....
This is the little village of Harwich on the North Sea...flowers are incredible

Found all these blackberry bushes while walking along the shore...craziest thing...so of course had to pick some....Bob was freakin' out a bit..."are you sure that's what they are?"...please...who does he think he is talking to? There we go again...something about "taking the girl out of the country..and all"...but I finally convinced him they weren't poison..so he tried them..well...he had like TWO...LOL "oh yea of little faith"...I enjoyed them immensely! LOL

Then on our way back through town....we found this little pub to waste a few hours in.....had a few games of darts...drank some good COLD beer (yes, cold, finally) and even found a dude working a rubics cube...he was kind enough to let me take a stab at....I used to could do the damn things...and was going to impress Bob......that's what I get for being so cocky...I couldn't remember how to get all the sides...could get on side...but that was it....I finally gave up....maybe I don't have those particular brain cells left from the 80's....hard to imagine I know...
Next stop Istanbul......
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