Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Few Lessons I Learned Today.......

So...I know everyone at home started school this let me tell you what lessons I learned today...

International Trade Lesson #1: Don't schedule business meetings the week after Ramadan......So we have been talking with a friend of ours in Amsterdam...who has put us in contact with a guy here....and found out yesterday (YESTERDAY) that all the shops take the week after Ramadan off for vacation. Ramadan is the Muslim's month of fasting...kind of like Lent and Mardi we know for the month of August they couldn't eat or drink anything between the hours of something like 4:30 a.m and 9:00pm......for the entire month...well Ramadan ended everything is taking vacation this week...ugh...trying to work around that...but definitely a good lesson learned....Turkey is 99% will keep that in mind for our next visit!

Travel To Turkey Lesson #1: You have to"BUY" a Visa at the airport before you come through big here is what I'm getting out of the shake down.....only certain citizens from certain countries have to pay to enter the country (I mean buy a visa :) )....from what I can tell it is those countries using Euros and Dollars......we had stopped at the ATM to get some Turkist Liras so we would be prepared for "whatever"....but they wouldn't take Liras...they only would accept Dollars or think they like our Dollars...worth twice as muh as Liras...and of course Euros are worth a bit more....very interesting I thought....that was a bit of a cluster "F" at the customs....for many travelers unaware of this "entry fee"....caused a lot of chaos I thought...with switching lines...and getting back into other lines...trying to figure out how to get out of the "wrong"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But we are troopers....we came to our room.....and took a nap! We are mentally exhausted! Tomorrow will be another day...oh yeah...then there was the cab ride to the hotel! :)

You know I have been reading some travel blogs on Turkey...and they warn about the "pushy rug salesman"...who want you to come in and have a cup of tea...then try to pressure you into buying their rug!They are very pushy..and make you feel guilty because they have invested so much time into the I was ready for it... Well, the restaurant that was recommended to us for supper.....we were hit up as soon as we stepped into the building...then on the way travel blogs....right on......didn't take long...have to be very FIRM!...I think tomorrow I'm just going to tell them that I already bought I can't afford to buy another...they are expensive I think....think that will work? Hope they don't ask me where I purchased it? lol? Yeah, I think I'm going with that story!!!!
Okay, going back to sleep...think we will have a full day ahead of us tomorrow!

Oh, we met a family from Boston at dinner and they have been here for 2 weeks...and have absolutely loved it...they rode in a hot air balloon...took a trip to the Greek Isles....they have loved gives me hope...
The city is beautiful and its right on the sea....I'll send more pics tomorrow!

1 comment:

Oostie said...

Sounds a lot like our experience in Chicago! Ugh!